Jul 27, 2012


We can officially accept patients under CCHCA (Chinese Community Health Care Assoc.)! For those patients who have been waitng for this, thank you for your patience. Dr. Wan actually became a CCHCA provider effective June 14th, but it took the insurance companies this long to process the information. As of today, we know for sure that CCHP and Healthnet Healthy Families patients can choose Dr. Wan as their PCP. Please share this news with any friends or families who might be interested in this information. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call our office.

Jul 22, 2012

Whooping Cough cases heading towards a 50 year high!

Whooping cough (aka Pertussis) is on the rise. Check out this article and make sure your child's pertussis vaccine or booster is up to date. And you may might want to get a booster for yourself as well!